Getting Started Financially

You’re reached that point where you’re now taking control of your own future, both in life and financially. You might be getting married, about to start a family or looking to buy your first home. Or maybe you’ve been living life at maximum speed with little thought for the future, and now recognise that you need to take a bit more control of your financial life. Now is the time to be thinking about,

Having a planned approach to how you manage your money

Having adequate savings for future events in life 

Providing financial security for you and your spouse in the event of a serious illness or death

Do You Ask Yourself These Questions?

What’s the best way to save money?

How much Money should I save for emergencies?

How should I invest my savings?

Should I save or pay down debt?

Are my family fully protected?

Who can guide me to make best use of my money?

If you ask yourself these questions then why not take a free quiz to see where you stand financially and what we would recommend your next steps should be! Or find out how we at MCG can help support you by finding out more below.

How we help you?

Goals Based Planning

We start with you and your financial goals. All our recommendations and suggested solutions are based on your specific needs.

Expert Advice

Our experienced advisers are skilled professionals. Our deep knowledge ensures you make the best use of your money today.  

Full Market Analysis

We have access to the products of the leading providers in the Irish market, enabling us to source the right solutions for you. 

Impartial Advice

We sit on your side of the table and act only for you. Our recommendations are based solely on your financial goals and needs. 

Nationwide Team

As one of Ireland’s fastest growing firms, we have experienced financial advisers throughout Ireland, ready to meet at a location near you.

Long-Term Partner

Many of our client relationships are measured in decades, not years. We will be your partner for many years as you strive towards your goals.

Where Do You Stand Financially? Check with this Free Quiz

What financial protection do you have in place against accident / illness / death?

As a rough estimate, how much life assurance do you think you need?

How financially secure are you, if you get sick or have an accident?

The Irish Cancer Society estimates* the cost of cancer as a €1,500 per month drop in income and a €1,000 p.m. increase in expenses - a total impact of €30,000 p.a. How would you fare financially if you got cancer?

How many months of living expenses do you have saved in your emergency fund?

Research shows that the total college cost for a child (who lives in student accommodation) is over €66,000. How much will you have saved for each child’s college education?

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