023 8820748     financial@mcgfinancial.ie

Financial Planning Process

Current situation & objectives

We gain a complete understanding of your current financial position. We want to understand all aspects of your financial life - your current assets & liabilities, your income and expenses and a range of other relevant information. We also seek to understand exactly what it is that you want to achieve in your financial future. This is where our listening skills are so important!

Your Appetite for Risk

We help you to identify your appetite for risk so that we can ensure we identify solutions that are appropriate for you.

Our Recommendations

Once we understand your current position, where you are trying to get to and how much risk you wish to take, we then suggest to you ways in which you can look to achieve your financial objectives.

Provider Research & Choice

Once you decide to proceed and if a financial product is required, we research the market to identify the best product to meet your needs and then negotiate on your behalf with the chosen provider to ensure that you receive the best terms possible.

Solution Implementation

We then explain the full process to get the financial product in place and help you complete the paperwork and all other parts of the process.

Scheduled Reviews

We then agree a review schedule with you. This is critically important to ensure that the solutions put in place remain appropriate, as your own circumstances will probably change over time, and external factors such as investment markets, the economy etc. may impact too.